Yes hehe... That is the first thing I say when I see that question.
I am talking about a video where Sir Ken Robinson tell us about a truth so commented by many of us, but never analized so well as he does.A way that keeps on attentive and so easy to convince
My admiration Sir Ken.
He says that the typical system education that we have has at the top the mathematics and laguages. And those are most important for the common of the people. We all so convinced that that the way it is, that we forgot many other important areas are arts such us music, painting.We confuse the humanist areas with the thinking. The truth is that we only receive what the ''older people'' teach us, that we don't do anything by ourself, we live in a world where everything has to be stablished, so we are not able to do something be wrong.
I am gonna take a quote of him...It says more or less like this:If you are not prepared to be wrong, You'll never come with anything original.
So true!
Areas as the arts are so much important and do not to be taken are a downtime. It is the only one tool to create. We can take it and do more things than working in scientific areas, engineering and all of that, or maybe we can take it for that, we can take for anything! because arts open your mind and it does not have to be less important. Arts fix everything and move the world.
School kills creativity, ladies and gentlemen, but the old school and we have to create a new school, a school for the life, not for the work.
Hace 11 años.